The Holiday Finale…

Dear 2014ers,

To complete the holiday tidbits from the top we are offering you a little musical interlude to your January day. Please pick up your freshly squeezed juice and enjoy a little moment of festive fun. Allow your minds to be gently transported back to the days of mistletoe and wine, carols and elves and relish the tinsel tinged mayhem of December Days Gone By.

Yours in reluctant to leave the holidays behind feathers,



Happy New Year!

Dear 2014 ers,

Happy New Year darling and may the next 12 months bring in all manner of wonderful surprises and things of splendor and beauty. If today the magnitude of all the new years resolutions made in serious earnest yesterday has caused you to wake up feeling a little queasy and unsure of where to start on the 2014 attack list then pour yourself a comforting cup of coffee, sit back and watch todays serious 2014 tidbit from the serious top to prepare you for moving forward in a gentle, civilized manner.

Yours in va va voom 2014 feathers,



Merry Christmas

Dear Christmasers,

Merry Christmas to one and all the world over. By now the stockings may well be opened and the turkey may well have been scoffed and what not, so pull up an armchair in front of a roaring fire and take a moment to watch how the tricky skill of Present Opening can best be accomplished. Make sure to take serious note of the subtle differences in unwrapping and may all your future openings be bright.

Love in Christmas Feathers,



The Monty Python Mime Medley…

Dear week before Christmasers,

As your cookies bake and your mistletoe entices the romantics among you, take a moment to sit back and learn a serious party trick or two. I have compiled a little fool proof mime medley which will guarantee your firm place as an in-demand guest at any holiday and indeed any party the year round. Picture the scene-you’re on your own at a buffet table fill to the brim with canopes and what not and your chit chat has gone dry. What to do? I’ll tell you what, resist the reach for the age old question of what your holiday plans are, instead dive head first into the most original chat of the century; Break out your Mime Medley and immediately impress the sausage roll and punch partakers around about you.May I remind you, Chanel was a trendsetter not a follower. Need I say more. There you go darling, a serious festive tip from the seriously festive top. Bottoms up!

Yours in successful party feathers,



Kardashian Christmas Card DIY: How to make your own Selfie

Dear Decemberers,

As the festive season wraps us all in a merry snowy frenzy, one thing burning a hole on your list may well be the holiday greeting card and how to locate and finance a serious photographer for such an occasion. Fear not ladies and quivering gentlemen, sit back with your peppermint infused hot chocolates and watch a step by step guide on how to create ones own selfie; or digital self portrait to those not yet that well versed in text talk.

There will be an opportunity to comment on whether or not my own little seasonal selfie trumps the Kardashian’s winter wonderland photograph after the film, please feel free to throw in your own 2 cents worth. Far be it for me to influence the jury, but a little Santa Hat and good lighting in ones own kitchen seems to me to be the obvious winner.

Yours in photographic seasonal feathers,



Tallulah’s Top Ten Tidbits for getting through the Holidays (tidbit #6)

Dear 1st week of Decemeberers,

I hope that this finds you knee deep in tinsel and all else that glitters and that all is well with your festive worlds. This weeks serious tip from the serious top concerns the ability to chitchat in all manner of tween and teen talk; enabling one to converse at ease with relatives young and old this holiday season. So fluff up your throw pillows and pick up your steaming gingerbread latte and watch and learn the lingo of todays youth,

Yours in yuletide feathers,



Tallulah’s Top Ten Tidbits for Holiday survival (tidbit #5)

Dear Thanksgiving Eve-ers,

‘Twas the day before Thanksgiving and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a turkey hand puppet. Right, as your turkey roasts and your yams candy themselves into a sweet stupor why not take a moment to sip your pre holiday cocktail and watch this weeks tip from the serious top? Today we will be researching the depths of the pie crust turkey puppet and finessing the crusty bird with cranberries for eyes and what not, so put your feathered feet up, take a little breather and allow Tallulah’s turkey wisdom to transport you to the realms of creative possibilities…


Yours in Thanksgiving feathers,



Tallulah’s Top 10 Tidbits for the Holidays (Tidbit #4)

Dear Mid weekers and almost Thanksgivingers,

Please take this opportunity to pause your pre holiday week mania, put up your weary pilgrim feet  and take note of a very serious tip from the very serious top; how to properly conduct oneself when ones long lost Vegan relative rocks up the garden path. Now, I am extremely sympathetic to the plight of people determined to survive on vegetation alone, having myself fallen prey to the Netflix documentaries highlighting the worrisome plight of chickens and their eggs, so far be it for me to pass judgement on the non carnivores among us, just simply put, when one expects ones brood to be tucking into roast birds and whatnot, what can one do when a rogue vegan appears? Don’t dismay darling,simply watch on…

Yours in Feathers,



Tallulah’s Top 10 Tidbits for the Holidays (Tidbit #3)

Dear Mid Weekers,

The video today might very well stun you into serious mid morning shock, so please prepare yourselves accordingly. Perhaps sit down with a glass of cold ice water or have some mild sedatives at hand. Ladies and gentlemen, I will be going where perhaps no civilized Scottish Mime has gone before; I will be embracing the all new dance sensation…the twerk. Clearly I will be relying heavily upon my tween consultant, Sophster, and although she is a tween of few words, her insight helped me enormously. “One must embrace life and all that is current to avoid slipping into dinosaur territory” I do believe that was said at one time by a serious luminary, so there you go and there I twerk…

Yours in Feathers,



Tallulah’s Top 10 Tidbits for The Holidays (Tidbit #2)

Dear Post-Halloweeners,

Welcome to the week following the pumpkins, the treats and the tricks. We are thrilled to continue the series of  ‘Tallulah’s Top Ten Holiday Survival Tips’ with this weeks investigation into how one can counteract a pale, ghostly-like face. In effect, which kitchen staples may in fact restore vim and vigor once more to your visage during these chilly, autumnal climes. So, pick up your mug of hot apple cider, rest ones weary November feet on a pile of crimson colored leaves and indulge in a moment of serious tips from the serious top, direct from the Queen of your cuisine.

Yours in Feathers,
