Christmas and Hanukkah cards at Tallulah’s Boutique

Dear Holiday Shoppers,

If you would like to buy Christmas and Hanukkah cards while also supporting independent artists darling then you are in luck because I’ve just opened a new boutique selling all manner of wonderful greeting cards. If you have suitably stylish people in your life that you would like to surprise with an elegant, original and beautiful card please take a moment and check out Tallulah’s Boutique. The more you purchase the cheaper each card becomes darling, so at the end of the day whats not to love about the whole feathered shopping experience?


Yours in holiday card feathers,


Merry Christmas

Dear Christmasers,

Merry Christmas to one and all the world over. By now the stockings may well be opened and the turkey may well have been scoffed and what not, so pull up an armchair in front of a roaring fire and take a moment to watch how the tricky skill of Present Opening can best be accomplished. Make sure to take serious note of the subtle differences in unwrapping and may all your future openings be bright.

Love in Christmas Feathers,



The Monty Python Mime Medley…

Dear week before Christmasers,

As your cookies bake and your mistletoe entices the romantics among you, take a moment to sit back and learn a serious party trick or two. I have compiled a little fool proof mime medley which will guarantee your firm place as an in-demand guest at any holiday and indeed any party the year round. Picture the scene-you’re on your own at a buffet table fill to the brim with canopes and what not and your chit chat has gone dry. What to do? I’ll tell you what, resist the reach for the age old question of what your holiday plans are, instead dive head first into the most original chat of the century; Break out your Mime Medley and immediately impress the sausage roll and punch partakers around about you.May I remind you, Chanel was a trendsetter not a follower. Need I say more. There you go darling, a serious festive tip from the seriously festive top. Bottoms up!

Yours in successful party feathers,
