The Thing is: Mimes Are Trending

Publicity 2Episode 3 made Mhairi and I both laugh out loud even at the first thought of it. (Yes that’s what we were cracking up about during our writing session in Malibu, in case you were wondering Jamie Foxx. 🙂 )

Whether people realize it or not, we are fully aware of the ridiculousness of Tallulah constantly banging on about the fact that she is a “classically trained mime” even though she literally never stops talking.

Tallulah is quite possibly the chattiest Mime that ever existed. In fact, if there was a society for Mimes, I am pretty sure Tallulah would have been kicked out by now for talking too much. But she would never admit it. No darling, she would say she left because they were droll, banal and terrible conversationalists.

So as we were coming up with all these ways to keep messing with Tallulah over the course of Season 2, we knew we had to throw a mime into the mix.

We found the perfect one in Mhairi’s dear friend Jabez Zuniga. I had never worked with him before but had a feeling that he was going to be great and he did not disappoint. The dichotomy of him back there, finding all these great moments, and Mhairi, straight faced, not having a clue what he was up to was, for me, hilarious.

When she finally did discover him and then accuses me of not even finding a real Mime. “He’s probably from Burbank or something” I almost had to break character and laugh. I don’t know where she comes up with this stuff, but she genuinely cracks me up, despite the fact that she’s my friend. Which brings me to…

Industry Tip #17

If you are making comedy, you better make yourself laugh. If you’re not even making yourself laugh, then you should keep honing it and developing it until you do.

And now for the ultimate test, does it make you, the audience, laugh? That’s what really counts. Without further ado, here is Episode 3 of Season 2 “There’s a Mime in the Kitchen!!!”

The Scottish Mime and The Cabaret

Dear Tuesday morning-ers,

Hope this finds you amongst daffodils and such with a Springtime Spring in your step. I wanted to take a moment to invite you to the cabaret darling which features the Scottish Singing Mime, a ham sandwich and a feathered dance or two. So if you find yourself in Los Angeles on April 9th, or would like to book your transport to ensure your presence, please make arrangements now and purchase your tickets here

Yours in runaway with the cabaret feathers,


cabaret 2



Season 2 Episode 7

Dear Post Thanksgiving-ers,

Hope this finds you well and enjoying turkey sandwiches and plentiful slices of pie and such. Speaking of pie darling this weeks episode features the humble pie and the poached egg…as well as the return of Marge, the feathered cabaret dancer and the mime from Burbank.

Yours in humble pie feathers,



Season 2 Episode 3 darling

Dear Post-Halloween-ers,

Hope yesterday was filled to the brim with all manner of pumpkins, ghosts and other such macabre things.Whilst recovering from bobbing from apples, why not discover your inner self and how many mimes it really does take to stew a pot of rhubarb?

Yours in post Halloween Feathers,



Season Two Episode Three Teaser darling

Dear Halloween-evers,

Hope this finds you and your carved pumpkins well and suitably alarmed looking. We are on the brink of breaking all manner of world wide records for how many mimes one can fit into ones kitchen darling and if you have a mere 30 seconds or so you can see for yourself what that would look like.

Yours in multiple mime feathers,



Season Two Episode Two

Dear Season 2 weekenders,

On the brink of all manner of seasonal snacks and whatnot, this weeks episode is all about cleansing your internal self pre potential pumpkin binge. There is also the somewhat unexpected return of Marge ….

Yours in Season 2 Feathers,



Season 2 Episode 2 Teaser darling

Dear almost weekender,

Hope you’re enjoying all things autumnal and orange. I’m afraid I have some perhaps alarming news, Marge is back darling. Pure and simple. Not sure quite yet what this means, am investigating further, but thought at least it was my duty to warn you of what to expect in the next episode.

Yours in alarmed feathers,



Season Two Episode One

Dear October weekenders,

Well darling, after weeks of preparing the moment is upon us. French feathered cancan dancers, a mime from Burbank, a slightly fat cat, a woman on the edge and a flip flop wearing Floridian producer join Diego and me for a jam packed season of melodramatic sandwiches and tips from the feathered HQ top.

Please ensure you have your appropriate feather boas at the ready and please make sure no crocs or flip flops are near your perfectly pedicured feet for this world wide premier.

Yours in excited Season 2 feathers,



Season Two Episode One teaser darling

Dear almost weekender,

I hope this finds you happily sipping a warm autumnal drink and perhaps even wearing a pair of suitably cosy slippers. We are releasing Season 2 episode 1 on Saturday darling, but in the meantime wanted to give you a minute prelude to what one can expect.

Yours in season 2 anticipatory feathers,
