Category: The Micro Series
Tallulah Talks Back episode 13
Dear weekenders,
Hope this finds you well and happy. I am in the middle of a challenging heatwave which has somewhat affected my ability to think straight, so please bear with me. Please make sure you are comfortable and cool before watching this weeks episode, one wants a cool head darling, in order to take in all the political shenanigans and whatnot.
Yours in heatwave feathers,
Tuesday’s Meme from a Mime…
Tallulah Talks Back Ep 12
Dear Saturday relaxers,
Hope this finds you in all manner of relaxing activities; badminton playing, scrabble winning and scone baking. I am super excited to announce that I managed to unslump myself this week with the help of recognition from France (Liberation). Vive La France and Vive Le Weekend!
Yours in French loving Feathers,
Xx. Xx
Very First Ever Review From France Darling
Dear May Spring-timers,
Hope this finds you very well and in all manner of seasonal joyful activities.Today certainly finds me full of all manner of excitement and happiness as darling we have been featured in a wonderful French magazine review. We are on the brink of world wide feathered success, hold onto your boas and click here
In reaction to our review we are changing the release time of Tallulah Talks Back to make it possible to enjoy your croissants in America with your Saturday morning viewing and for the Europeans to enjoy the episode with sherry and whatnot at the beginning of your evenings. So sit tight darling and this Saturday at 10am EST will herald in the next episode of Tallulah Talks Back.
Yours in French Feathers,
Tallulah Talks Back Episode 11:Tallulah gets political…
Dear May-Day-ers,
Far be in for me to reign on anyones right to free speech and all but this week I was pushed over the edge and have felt compelled to relinquish my revolution on twitter to pursue the larger goal of defending women’s rights.
Yours in serious feathers,
Tallulah Talks Back Episode 10
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I hope this finds you and yours extremely well and enjoying the seasonal springtime flowers and whatnot. Please take a moment with your elderflower cocktails and such to watch this weeks episode in which, darling, I make a world wide offer you may just find very extremely hard to refuse.
Yours in the joys of springtime feathers,
Tallulah Talks Back with a Revolutionary Twist
Dear Feathered Comrades,
I hope this finds you well and happy. We have fantastic news to report darling! Yes! The new 34 twitter followers have seriously impressed the serious powers that be and we are now seriously officially propelled into pre pre production for season 2, so well well done! However, there is a slight thorn in our feathered side and I will warn you that there is trouble ahead. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, please prepare yourselves for a slightly alarming turn of events, but fear not we shall overcome.
Yours in revolutionary Feathers,
Tuesday’s Meme from a Mime…
Tallulah Talks Back…Important announcement.
Dear Thursday eveningers,
Hope that this finds you all well and enjoying the springtime frolics and whatnot. Please settle in with your eggs and things and watch this weeks 2 minute Tallulah Talks Back where there will be an exciting announcement about a dream vacation, hula dancers and pineapples. Yes darling, a trip of a lifetime is within your grasp, all you need to be in the 1 millionth follower of @feathersntoast on twitter. Tweet, tweet away darling and get ready to hula,
Yours in pineapple infused feathers,