Start the Revolution

Darling. We are in the midst of a terrific onslaught of negativity in the world and therefore it is more necessary than ever to counteract the maelstrom with a decent sandwich, dressing up and valuing yourself in the kitchen. How can one hope not to be floored by whats what in the world if one isn’t even capable of sorting out a decent sandwich in ones very own cuisine? Join us in the revolution against falling apart and for saving the world one sandwich at a time. Please click HERE to watch the video.

Tallulah Talks Back with a Revolutionary Twist

Dear Feathered Comrades,

I hope this finds you well and happy. We have fantastic news to report darling! Yes! The new 34 twitter followers have seriously impressed the serious powers that be and we are now seriously officially propelled into pre pre production for season 2, so well well done! However, there is a slight thorn in our feathered side and I will warn you that there is trouble ahead. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, please prepare yourselves for a slightly alarming turn of events, but fear not we shall overcome.

Yours in revolutionary Feathers,



Tallulah Talks Back is Back…with a revolutionary mission

Dear April survivors,

Welcome back and welcome to the Spring Revolution. It has come to pass that the serious powers that be are insisting on higher manner of twitter followers the world over. The age old battle between art and commerce has arrived with a bang in the Feathers and Toast kitchen HQ. Please settle in with your springtime snacks of chicken sandwiches and whatnot to watch this effective plea to tweet.

Yours in revolutionary feathers,
