Cultivating gratitude – Week 3

It’s funny. Ever since we started this Happiness Movement it seems life has thrown out bigger and bigger challenges to throw us off our path, and this week is absolutely one of the toughest, but I am happy to say our fearless leaders, Tallulah and Marge, are persevering anyway.

This weeks challenge was to cultivate gratitude by focusing on all the wonderful things in your life and I must admit those folks over at Live Happy are really on to something, because it is near impossible to be down when you’re thinking about all those amazing people and things.

What are you grateful for?

Digging Deep with the Happiness Movement – Week 2

Its the end of week 2 of The Happiness Movement here at Feathers and Toast HQ and Tallulah and Marge are reporting in on how they got on with their second assignment “giving people the benefit of the doubt”.

And what a week it was to practice giving people the benefit of the doubt. Am I right? 😉 So nice of the world to give us this opportunity to really strengthen our muscles. Did you give it a try? If so let us know how it went.

For those on the journey with us, your next week’s assignment is to cultivate gratitude by focusing on the wonderful people and things in your life. And go!!!

Why The Happiness Movement?

For those just tuning in, Tallulah and Marge have embarked on a 10 week journey towards bringing more happiness into their lives via The Happiness Movement and are inviting you to join in. Why? Because as my Irish grandpa always used to say, who wants the alternative?

All our joking aside, we know there are very real reasons for people to be feeling down, everything from the threat of nuclear war, hurricanes and political upheaval, to the very personal feelings so many experience with depression. It is not our intention to ignore or minimize these things, but it is our intention to say: go for happiness anyway.

We feel that joy in the face of life’s struggles is the ultimate act of rebellion, a cause seriously worth the fighting for, and we consider it our most important of missions to make sure you are heavily armed with a necessary stockpile of laughter as you head into battle.

Our first weeks assignment, as per Live Happy, was to smile more often. So here’s Tallulah and Marge, our fearless warriors, reporting in on their successes, and it looks like they made it through with only minor injuries. How did your week of smiling go? Did it change anything? Let us know here and on Facebook.

We’re shaking it up!

We’re shaking it up here at Feathers and Toast HQ.

Today marks the beginning of a new series of Vlogs featuring Tallulah and Marge, where together they will be taking on various challenges through out the year that are in line with Tallulah’s mission to “save the world one kitchen at a time.” (If you have a favorite challenge you want them to take on, please feel free to let us know.)

Up first is a challenge that comes from LiveHappy Magazine to join the Happiness Movement and help to spread happiness throughout the world (something the world could really use right now). For the next 10 weeks, Tallulah and Marge will be taking on the
10 suggestions to living a happier life, and will let you know how they got on in true Feathers and Toast fashion. We would love it if you would join in by taking on the challenge too. We can’t wait to hear your results.

The Vlogs are just the beginning of the changes, however. Make sure to tune in to this weeks Vlog (below) to get, not only your first assignment, but also some exciting news about our brand new show which will be coming the beginning of next year.

We are so grateful for all who have followed us on this journey thus far, and for those just getting started…welcome! There is so much fun ahead!

In the meantime: here’s Tallulah and Marge!