How to be Happy-Be of Service

Choose action. Choose Happiness. Marge says it like it is at the end of The Happiness Movement. Hope that you have enjoyed this series and that your happiness levels are attaining dizzying heights darling. Take care, enjoy the great outdoors, the people you love and should one find oneself dabbling in Goat Yoga, Good luck!

Spending Time with People you Love – Week 9

It’s week 9 of The Happiness Movement and we are in the home stretch, reporting in from this weeks assignment which was: spending time with the people you love.

I just have to say that I think this assignment should be part of everyone’s daily regimen. It seems merely even thinking of the people you love can invoke an immediate happiness boost, so no need to skrimp on this one.

How to be Happy: Spend time with someone you love…or a goat

The 9th assignment of The Happiness Movement is to spend time with someone you love. In this wild world of living apart from so many loved ones, I would like to mention that even if you’re not physically in the same place as a loved one one could still think about spending time on a call, in an email or even with a pen and a piece of paper writing out ones words.

Goat Yoga – Week 8

Especially with the advent of Iphones and such even when we do happen to find ourselves outside the tendency can be still to be looking down, connected online but not with our environment. Spending time looking up and the sky, breathing fresh air and staring at clouds daydreaming have been proven to reduce stress. Add a small farmyard animal into your outside experience and happiness levels soar it seems. Thanks to Hello Critter Goat Yoga for this weeks Happiness Movement challenge, as per Live Happy.

Happiness Movement. Week 7 Assignment: Write an appreciative email.

Following on from the last step of the Happiness Movement in which Tallulah and Marge perhaps went a little over board with the generosity assignment This week’s assignment is to spend a moment writing an appreciative email or letter to someone. Perhaps necessary if one overspends and has to back peddle a little with ones landlord on the rent check. Anyway. Life moves at such a ferocious lick that at times writing more than essential emails and such can seem out of our grasp so the challenge this week is to take a moment to do just that. Bon courage one and all and let us know how you get on.

Be Generous – Week 6

Sometimes we can think that being generous amounts to spending money on people but actually, despite what Tallulah and Marge get up to in this weeks episode it doesn’t always need to come down to money.

Time is perhaps our most precious commodity so whether or not you’re splashing cash or simply having a couple of tea with someone I do believe that being generous will improve ones happiness levels. As laid out in Live Happy’s Happiness Movement.

Anyway darling on with the show…

Share Inspirational Content – Week 5

Obviously we goof around a lot at Feathers and Toast HQ, but we couldn’t be more serious about the benefits of joining The Happiness Movement at Live Happy and following their insightful steps to living a happier life.

Even if all you ever did was this weeks assignment alone (which was to find and share inspirational content) I sincerely believe you would see your happiness quotient go up tenfold.

I mean consider this: we only have 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year and about 100 years in a life, if we’re lucky, and yet there is infinite amounts of information to know. I think we can agree that even if we spent every waking second of that life learning, we would barely scratch the surface of what there is to know. So knowing ahead of time that you will never ever get to it all, what information will you choose to spend your precious time learning and sharing?

I’m not a scientist but I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that if you use that time learning and sharing positive, healthy, inspirational information then in general, you will end up a pretty happy person. Just some food for thought.

And with that I will leave you with Tallulah and Marge. It seems Marge got so excited by this weeks assignment that she’s actually reclaiming her power much to Tallulah’s chagrin.